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  1. #1
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    PLease read the scoliosis LBP and Core stability-help the pt has an appt tonight

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    I really could do with a bit of help and the patient is coming tonight. I have poured through my books but am not putting my finger on the real underlying cause of the pain.

    Thank you

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    Re: PLease read the scoliosis LBP and Core stability-help the pt has an appt tonight

    Hi physiogeneve,

    We would like to thank you for your post. Unfortunately the nature of this post is that it uses to many abbreviations or it does not provide us with enough information to give an educated response. A small amount of time writing a detailed and interesting posting will result in many more friendly and beneficial responses.

    Please consult the Physio Forum rules (link on top of the homepage) for some guidelines for your future postings and please try to make them as specific as possible so that other members can provide timely and appropriate responses.

    Many thanks from all of us here at The Physio Forum.

    regards, PhysioBob

  3. #3
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    Re: PLease read the scoliosis LBP and Core stability-help the pt has an appt tonight

    This new thread was in response to the previous thread that I wrote, and, whilst many have read the post, no one has answered. The detailed, although not not the best thread posted, is under the same heading but slightly lower down the thread list .The title of this thread was meant to direct the readers to my previous post. The patient had an appointment the day of this new thread and I was desperate for any response.

    As it is I have been lucky enough to have a new hypothesis to try and prove/disprove and the patient cancelled last week so there is no panic.

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