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Female, age 37 with spinal lumbar stenosis on L4/L5 and disc protrusion on
She is in constant pain for one year and half, every day on medications.
Restricted movement in lumbar spine in all directions. Pain radiates along the both sciatic nerves down the legs (knee).
Two months ago pain in the neck startes. On RTG degenerative changes. Clinical she has neck protrusion and restriction in movement in all directions.
Neurosurgerist doesn't suggest operation, just spinal brace and physical therapy. But exercises and diadinamics didn't help (off course).
She came to me yesterday - I gave her a postural education, a mobilisation of spine, cervical traction and McKenzie exercise for the neck - retraction and all directions. I gave her a suggestion for night sleeping, beacuse it is very painfull.
She will come today, again.
What sholud I do?
Flexion exercise will worse her protrusion and extension exercise will worse her stenosis - I have tested these movements yesterday.
If I start with izometric and core exercises with lumbar and cervical traction do you think tis would change her condition???