Please let me know the conservative management for correction ofscoliosis by Physiotherapy,with main emphasis on a thoraco - lumbar curve.
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Please let me know the conservative management for correction ofscoliosis by Physiotherapy,with main emphasis on a thoraco - lumbar curve.
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One more site to understandScoliosis.
Once you click BEGIN PROGRAM at the bottom of the page, you will see a complete overview lecture on scoliosis on the preceeding page.
SpineUniverse Continuing Education - Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity - Diagnosis to Treatment (A Continuing Education Program for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals)
Hope this would be helpful.
Sagar Naik
hi sagar
it was a very useful link you provided.i am eextremely thankful to you for making me aware of that site
please all physios try this out
Dear Estherderu:
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I had an emergency appendectomy.
I have not had a chance to visit the site, but thanks to you for the refferal.
The test of my ideas is being done by the OGI in the USA.
The head of the institute is a Norwegian of international fame. you may know who I am talking about.
The research paper will be generated shortly.
My best to you,
Dear SagarNaik:
The video was a great review.
However, like most mainline medical/ surgical assessment and treatment, only the intrinsic muscles of the spine are viewed as important.
That is disappointing. On November 12, 2004, I was at a lecture by a Dr. Hamilton Hall of the CBI, Canadian Back Institute. Dr. H. Hall is a surgeon and head of the CNI. He stated that surgery and all disciplines are getting only a 30% success rate for low back pain.
I have been disappointed in patients scheduled or on the line to surgery that many details are missed. Further, things such as leg length difference, innominate bone position, etc were not even considered in these patients.
If we add to this the 10% to 24% failurwe rate of the CT scan and theMRI ( Dr. McElligott and others), my question is : How thorough is the pretreatment/surgical assessment?
I have found that in some patients as hip abduction increases the scoliotic patterning changes. My other question is : should we not be looking beyond the intrinsic muscles of the back to how for example the serratus pos inf impacts on lateral deviation of the spine? Or how the psoas affects rotoscoliosis?
In the case of a house the foundation affects the superstructure. Do hip and pelvic angles have an impact on the lateral or rotational deviations of the spine. This seems to be ignored by surgery and the mainline medical communitY. Should this be a priority for the physical therapy side of therapy?
Thanks again for the excellent review
My best to you,
My friends specialising in PNF -scoliosis prized the method achieving good results.
as well i heard about techniques improving kifosis.
i would reccomend proper pelvic assessment.
My friends specialising in PNF -scoliosis prized the method achieving good results.
as well i heard about techniques improving kifosis.
i would reccomend proper pelvic assessment.
Dear Yarok,
Thank you.
Has your friend tried the four sided landmark pelvic assessment using hip abduction?
I have found that both the landmark test and the gross overview of watching the patient do the hip abduction from farther away give interesting objective results to consider.
The landmark test gives the distortion of the pelvic bones throughout the hip abduction. While the gross anatomical distortion when standing about 4 m from the patient as they do hip abduction directly lateral in the coronal plane gives the amount of torso flexion, axial torsion and twisting, knee bending and buttock posterior movement as the patient tries to comply with the increase in foot width stance.
The OGI early trial results of this method are showing an interesting corelation to the postural distortion which results from the hip abduction. The research paper by them should be out in 6 months or so.
Hope that this is helpful and thank you for your comments.
Best regards,
You can also find some Schroth exercise videos here. If you don't live near a Schroth clinic (or can't afford it), this website could help. You can also try Christa's book, but I hear its written for doctors though... Best wishes!
dear neuromuscular,
sorry, saw that you couldn´t get the link last year; will give it again.
If you googlescoliosis journal, you should find it as wel.
dear erasmus,
I´m sorry, am not so happy with giving people exercises through video samples.
People with a scoliosis should always be treated personally as far as I am concerned.