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  1. #1
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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Lumbar, Spine - Posterior

    Special test (diagnostic test) for lumbar spine with high specificity (rule in)

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    i am trying to figure out which test are good NOT to screen / rule out, but to "confirm diagnosis" and "rule in" disc, radiculopaty, facet joint, instability, hypo mobility, etc.

    Also, i would be interest in reliable value of SN, SP, LR+, LR- for these tests and tips about "when to use them":
    - SRL
    - SLUMP
    - Passive Lumba Extension Test
    - Prone Instability Test
    - PPIVM and PAIVM (for hypomobility OR hypomobility?)
    - Extension-rotation Test
    - Centralization fenomenon
    - etc.

    Sorry for my english.. hope you understand what i am asking..

    Ciao form italy!!


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    Re: Special test (diagnostic test) for lumbar spine with high specificity (rule in)

    Test disc herniation in the lumbar spine: a general test for the pressure on the nerve and sayatik femeral nerve. The patient lies on his back, legs extended. The inspection takes the leg of the patient in the area of the ankle in passive mode performs addastion, internalization & flaktion rotation in the hip joint. If the swing from zero to seventy degrees arises pain - the test is positive. Please note that a characteristic factor disk herniation is: waking the patient feels pain, 1.5 hours alone reduced the level of pain
    L3 test: The patient lies on his back, legs extended, feet able Dorsi flaktion. Reviewer palms pressing on foot, trying to bring them back to the neutral position. Reducing the resistance forces in one foot indicates naoichie hernia. Reviewer fingers leads to the outer edge of both feet. The difference in sensitivity gives a positive test. Neurological tests on the knee: Reduced response to one of the legs confirms the presence of hernia
    Test L4: The patient lies on his back with legs stretched. The patient spends Dorsi flaktion big toe. Reviewer finger presses on, returning it to the neutral position. The difference resistance force fingertips gives a positive test. Reviewer fingers leads to dorsaleoy part of the toes, the difference in sensitivity of the toes with a positive test.
    Test L5: The patient lies on his back, feet turned outwards. Reviewer presses on foot trying to get them back into a neutral position. The difference in the level of resistance of a positive test. Reviewer fingers leads to snutrennemu rib feet. The difference in the level of sensation gives a positive test. The patient lies on his stomach with your knees bent. Conducted neuro test ahill tendon. Reduced reflex in one of the legs gives a positive result.
    Mark Kapitov

  3. #3
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    Re: Special test (diagnostic test) for lumbar spine with high specificity (rule in)

    Lumbar spinal stenosis can often diagnose on the basis of symptom’s history, a physical exam, and imaging tests. Diagnostic tests are very helpful in determining the cause and actual place of back pain. These tests include MRI, CT scan, Bone scan, Electromyogram and Myelogram. Based on these tests result, symptoms and how much spinal stenosis is affecting your life, your treatment will be prescribe by a doctor.

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