Hi everyone,

I have a problem with medial side of both legs in the thigh region, it only hurts one leg at a time and the pain is felt on the medial side of the knee usually in the tendon but also in the muscle, (one of) the adductors I think.

Both don't hurt at the same time and the right side seems to hurt for more time than the left, but always one or the other hurts.

Last night and this morning is was the left side that was hurting. I crouched down and there was a strong 'pop' or snapping in deep within my hips, and the pain switched to the right side where it remains presently.

I cycle a lot and have been having trouble with another injury which was seen to by a physio, this was the biceps femoris tendon, which is now pain free although there appears to be lots of scar tissue causing flicking of the tendon laterally on the knee, over the fibula head, which seems to be getting better with use. I also had tight hamstrings but I think this was from overstretching and has gone now. But it is only since the original injury (biceps femoris) that this other problem has come along it seems.

If I do cycle the problem with the inner thigh seems to releived slightly, but it is still noticable even so and seems to get worse if I don't cycle and particularly if I sit at a computer - the sofa/couch doesn't seem so bad?

My physio disregarded my hips and gave me some back stretches, but have been doing these over two weeks with little effect.

I have boked myself in to the doctors, but would appreciate some help in the mean time!?

Thanks everyone,

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