Below is the text from Liz Saunders article in 2002
Saunders, L (2003).
‘Laser versus
ultrasound in the
treatment of
controlled trial’,

"The laser dose was 30 J/cm2. A 50 mW
820 nm (infrared) laser probe was used
because of its penetration properties.
During treatment the probe was pressed
firmly into the tissue at right angles to the
tendon and operated for 90 seconds at
5000 Hz. Two areas were irradiated. The
first was the anterior shoulder, at the
point of maximal tenderness just medial
to the tendon’s insertion into the arm; the
second was on the tendon just below the
acromion with the patient’s hand placed
behind the back. This second position was
used to draw out more of the tendon to
expose more tissue to the laser rays, due
to laser’s low tissue penetration depth
(Tuner and Hode, 1999)."

My laser has the following parameters - infrared diodes 880nm, red diodes 660nm. Power (max) 500mW. Duty cycles cont, 90,50,10. Frequency 5000HZ. When I set the treatment to 30j/cm2 as per Saunders article our treatment time is 5 minutes (vs her 90 seconds) This seems like a very high treatment time - is it safe to treat continuous for this long - Saunders never says if treatment is continuous or with a duty cycle?

Any advice

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