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  1. #1

    Exercises and Stretches

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    I've just started my first outpatients physiotherapy placement. The problem i'm having is not knowing very many stretches or potential exercises. If anyone knows of any good online resources i'd be most greatful.

    Also I never really feel that I know what to use as a treatment for the patient, anyone got any tips on how to structure my information from the subjective to help.



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    Smile Re: Exercises and Stretches

    Quote Originally Posted by Jigs View Post
    Also I never really feel that I know what to use as a treatment for the patient, anyone got any tips on how to structure my information from the subjective to help.
    If it's weak strengthen it. It it's tight loosen it, perhaps by strengthening something else. Then balance everything with strength and range of movement through normal range and with balance.

    But remember..if it's not weak don't strengthen it... you're just wasting time. Always ask why am I doing this? And make sure you have a qualified and valid answer. That's the best way forward from your assessment. Good luck

    Last edited by physiobob; 14-10-2007 at 06:59 PM.
    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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