Hi all
I am sorry this is a bit long winded but I don’t know wear to turn to in getting the answers I need to sort my self out so any advice I will be most great full
Medical history
I am a 43 year old male.
In 2002 I had thoracotomy operation on my left hand side to stop bleeding following a stabbing incident.
After this operation I was fine with no pain and no nerve damage I was also back in work after a few weeks as a window cleaner.
On the 5.11.04 I had a fall and twisted my back and hurt my left side of my chest on a kerb which became bruised and very painful .
On the 12.11.04 went to A/E still in very bad pain to my back and left chest wall not relieved with analgesia sent home.
On the 15.11.04 went back to A/E pain very bad this time noticed small lump over thoracotomy scare which has became larger in size from a 5 pence to a 10 pence and the pain is excruciating had a cat scan identified a lipoma which needs surgical treatment.
On the 13.04.04 operation excision of lipoma incision was made over the old thoracotomy scar the lipomata was dissected and excised. Haemostasis was achieved and closure was carried out in layers.
On the 7.7.05 still in pain and movement to my left side now aggravates the pain I am still in now have numbness on the front of my chest the doctor has said he did not cut any nerves and did not split the intercostal space so he could not explain the kind of pain I am in from a surgical point of view. Told to take ibuprofen for pain.
22.9.05 back at cardiothoracic clinic still the same nothing further they can do sent to pain clinic.
10.11.05 the pain clinic have said this is nerve damage and I have to take the following for pain pregablin caps 300mg twice a day amitriptyline tabs 50mg twice a day and keep a pach on for 12 hours a day which is lidocaine 5% the medication dose help but I can not return back to work.
The medication has gone up over the years but I still can not understand how my nerves can be damaged so much just by a fall I just don’t understand what has happened is this thoracic nerves damage like I have been told.
Is their any other doctors I can go to for help or do I have to just live with it without a life any help please.
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