hi friend
unless and until you gave us relevant assessment findings i dont think anybody will be able to help you.
patient comes to me with severe pain radiating from neck,..suspected cervicalradiculopathy/spondlysis/etc.
xray says reduced disc space.
i m giving TENS,isometrics for neck and core...
what else can be given anything specific?
pain is not comin down...VAS 7-8
2nd patient suspcted with OA knee ,..came in for wax therapy ...is it possible to give wax therapy showing some effects towzrd treatment?
3rd treatment for disc hernitation
help me out ..not the basic bt advance
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hi friend
unless and until you gave us relevant assessment findings i dont think anybody will be able to help you.
first add to ur thread what trobles the patient more ,i mean weather he is more panic due to neck pain or radiating pain, if there is radiating pain TENS is good but u have to work to maintain joint space as u have written it is reduced, again as per dermetomal region u can manupulate the spinal area by giving lateral glides. in case of neck pain try to relax he muscles, whicn be done either by strtching or muscle energy technique or both.traction gor 7 days in the begining can also help a bit.
have you tried cervical traction???? try it...and avoid to use pillows during sleep......if you have confirmed your diagnosis..........
have you tried cervical traction???? try it...and avoid to use pillows during sleep......
can some one help me , as i am bit confussed regarding one diagnosis, complains are as follows
pt is a female of 24 years , complaing of multiple joint pain including interphalengial joints , wrist, shoulder,scapular region,and neck, she also complains of occational knee pain,she complains of swelling over face in morning whilw awakening that goes on gradually as day advances., RA test is Negetive, firstly i thought if cervicalspondylosis, so i started treatement with SWD in scapular region, and Us over Trepezius, but as i tried to give traction uar glides she complainof pain in scapular and neck as the tracion pad atretches, i am bit confussed so i t\ recommended her for serum creatinin test , whose result was 1.02 which is on upper limit , so wht i think is that the pains are due to elevetd serum creatinine and facial edema also, what is ur opinion.