Quote Originally Posted by jjose_01 View Post
may i know your age please and what does your therapist told you? including your occupation.

it is nearly two months since the first attack, when did you start physio?

i would say that you have a moderate to severe case of facial palsy, so expect a residual deficit.

continue with your therapy for 6 months. ask other therapist's here that may have higher experience than me in handling cases like yours then print it to be read by your therapist, like those researches that they come up with.

the most important thing that you must do is home exercises where you will sit in front of a mirror then individually try to contract all facial muscles involved ten times only, three to five times per day, if it isn't moving, try to assist it with your fingers with a little stretch at the end.

pray, keep a healthy diet, don't travel too much.
had bells palsy since 31st of july,i was on steroids 20mg qds in oral tapering dosage,with acyclovirl,anti viral 40mg qds for 5 days,with vit b12,on 15 of august i again feel severe pain post auricular ,then my physician took me on injectable steroids,80ml,2 injection only,,,,now am at physio seccions,ENS ,facial exercises and massage ,now recovering from bell,s palsy,but rate of recovery is very slow,
,,,what can i do to increse the recovery rate and decress the time ...,,,,,
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