Hello everyone!

My name is Ryan and 7 months ago I had surgery to remove a benign tumor in the midline of my cerebellum. I was hospitalized for nearly 4 months so my pt strengthened me to the point that I could just barely use a walker. After being home for 3 months I am now walkering on my own regularly and sometimes using a cane. Some things I have noticed about myself are :

I like to hyperextend my knees
I have a muscular imbalance
My balance is off; I like to rock heel to toe
My shoulder hurts
Half of my body feels weak

I have to put extra pressure to the 'weak' side to even out my hips (which also seem slighty weak)

From what I have read so far it seems that I have hemiplegia and very similiar symptoms to a stroke patient.

I do have two different physical therapists but they were chosen by my insurance company, unfortunately. When I mentioned 'hemiplegia' they both gave me the 'deer in the headlights' look indicating that they had never heard the term before. Obviously, that was pretty upsetting to me as I'm an extremely motivated 27 year old in average shape that is engaged to be married in a year and a half.
I have begun stengthening my scapular muscle to alleviate the tension in my shoulder and have always tried to use the best postur possible since I could sit up.

I am in the computer field and only have a very basic understanding of therapy and neurology. My questions to you are..

Am I right to think that my therapists are training me incorrectly in your opinion?

What should I do or say to my current therapists?

Where do you believe I should go from here?

Do you recommend any good books on the subject(s)?

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