Have had 2 patients recently with ankle clonus and hyperactive reflexes lower limbs. Both work in heavy lifting jobs in freezers.Anyone else with same experience? Is there a recognised condition?
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Have had 2 patients recently with ankle clonus and hyperactive reflexes lower limbs. Both work in heavy lifting jobs in freezers.Anyone else with same experience? Is there a recognised condition?
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Clonus and hyper-reflexia sounds spinal in origin. As heavy lifting is involved, is there a possibility of microvascular spinal infarct as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure? There have been reports in the literature of transverse myelitis presentations following heavy lifting, later assumed to be microvascular infarct. Are there any other spinal symptoms and what do theMRI results suggest? As to the impact of the freezing temperatures; perhaps the combination of redirected blood flow and increased abdominal pressure may have been contributory, or perhaps it may have something to do with the demographics of those who chose to be freezer workers?... Your guess is as good as mine.
Where they in the freezer when you assessed them, did you get the same symptoms?
I was injured in a freezer, worked in them for about 8 years but hit my neck on a metal beam and gave myself a prolapsed disc at C3-C4 , later had 2 more prolapsed discs,
all my prolapsed discs have gone into my spinal canal (mri scans) I often wondered if there was a link with spinal cord compression and freezer workers,,, My surgeon said I had something that sounded like hyperactive reflexes (legs),,, I called them exagerated reflexes.
Is there any research to date that suggests a link?
Ps, I am new here, so I'll apologise in advance for if I unknowingly break any rules.