Hi, I'm a physio student and am reasearching the physio's role in helping people after strokes. Anybody got a good site or any rehab techniques for me to refer to for my project. Thankyou, anything will help!
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Hi, I'm a physio student and am reasearching the physio's role in helping people after strokes. Anybody got a good site or any rehab techniques for me to refer to for my project. Thankyou, anything will help!
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Bobath in one technique well known around the world, even though there is no much evidence why this technique works (same times). motor re-learning programe is agood technique, there is a lot of good articles and books published about this technique.
good luck with you research
A Motor Relearning Program
By Janet Carr and Roberta Shepherd
....standard reading for all Neuro therapistsin Australia
motor relearning program is a good technique; however it is no the one, I would expand and found other modalities, so far i use a combination MRP andbobath. funtional activites is the key; however the part practice is very important as well, good luck
I agree,look at the website as suggested by another respondent. In the acute setting,Bobath is better and carr and Shepherd are more geared to the chronic setting.A mix of both, as is done in all schools outside Sydney, seems to work best.