We are a group of physios working with clients with M.S and are looking at outcome measures to reflect positive interventions in deteriorating conditions.What are others using ? All suggestions gratefully received. Thank-you.
We are a group of physios working with clients with M.S and are looking at outcome measures to reflect positive interventions in deteriorating conditions.What are others using ? All suggestions gratefully received. Thank-you.
There is a new organisation being set up in Germany for the online accumulation of MS data. I have the brochure on my desk as I spoke with the guy in person last week at Medica2000 in Germany. I'll find it tomorrow and get back to you.
regards richard
try the MS society in sydney, they may be able to help you.
If you are looking for Physical functioning outcome measures you have a difficult task. We tend to use the widely used functional measures of
10 metre walk
6 minute walk
Berg Balance Scale
Motor Assesment Scale
1 RM
Fitness testing
for the physical side of thing. Given that many over a long period of time deteriorate, to support physiotherapy intervention as positive in slowing deterioration in life and improving life styles we look to more holistic scales. In this point trying to tap into the positive benefits of exercise and what it has to offer this population in regard to their whole life.
SF 36
Quality of life Questionaire
Fatigue scales
ALD assessment etc.....
It really depends what you are trying to find out or support.
If you come across one that works well for you I would be interested in this
you may be interested in the following article:"the develpment of The Guttman type scale for the assessment of mobility disability inmultiple sclerosis"
LH De souza clinical rehabilitation 1999 13 476 -481
Th MS internet project is called Multiple Sklerose Informationssystem. Prof. Dr Haas, Judisches Krankenhaus, Berlin. You can find contacts through www.tembit.com, www.musis.de or email [email protected]. It may all be in german but if you send an email in english you may start the ball rolling. The project looks great.
E-mail me at [email protected]. i may be able to help you, and I'm interested in this field.