Has anyone have any experience with this type of patient?Is Botulum Toxin effective in releasing the spasms in Sternocleidomastoid? Are any physio treatments indicated?
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Has anyone have any experience with this type of patient?Is Botulum Toxin effective in releasing the spasms in Sternocleidomastoid? Are any physio treatments indicated?
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Yes I had a patient who received Botox forspasmodic torticollis with very good results. this was quite a number of years ago when Botox was first trialled for
dystonia. I am not aware of any literature with regard to physio and Botox. This particular patient did not receive physio after the injections but she visited to show me the results and they were significant.
Suggest you try the book "Handbook of Botulinum Toxin treatment" ed Peter Moore (1995) pub Blackwell Science (Oxford)
Has a whole chapter onspasmodic torticollis (and a lovely picture on the front cover of injecting the sternocleidomastoid)
Daniel Yates