i need reference for my research about hemiplegic/hemiparese withbobath treatment
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i need reference for my research about hemiplegic/hemiparese withbobath treatment
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What exactly are you looking for? - evidence for this approach?
What research are you doing?
about stabilization n selective movement...can you help me sir?
There are now are number of studies that have examined the use of theBobath method in stroke rehabilitation. Most of the studies examine how effective the method is in relation to functional activities, although some also address issues such as effect on dexterity and sensori-motor control which may be what you are interested in. The method has mainly been compared against other methods rather than as a control
Overall the results are disappointing. The Bobath method has not been shown to be more effective than any other method. That is not to say that it is worse than other methods although in some cases more intensive task oriented approaches appear more effective. One is exception is that the method might be more effective in improving balance but the effect size is very small.
There is a good recent review which you can obtain from the journal Stroke:
PEDro - Detailed Search Results
You can find articles that look at individual studies from this review. Here is the summary of the results:
Results—The search strategy initially identified 2263 studies. After selection based on predetermined criteria, finally, 16 studies
involving 813 patients with stroke were included for further analysis. There was no evidence of superiority of Bobath on sensorimotor control of upper and lower limb, dexterity, mobility, activities of daily living, health-related quality of life, and cost-effectiveness. Only limited evidence was found for balance control in favour of Bobath. Because of the limited evidence available, no best evidence synthesis was applied for the health-related quality-of-life domain and cost-effectiveness.
Conclusions—This systematic review confirms that overall the Bobath Concept is not superior to other approaches. Based on best evidence synthesis, no evidence is available for the superiority of any approach. This review has highlighted many methodological shortcomings in the studies reviewed; further high-quality trials need to be published. Evidence-based guidelines rather than therapist preference should serve as a framework from which therapists should derive the most effective treatment.
physiobob (18-09-2011)
Sir, I am postgraduate student, i m in search of topic to improve gait training for stroke patients. I have thought about few approaches likebobath or PNF but I am not planning compare any approach. What approach will be better? Or which other hands on treatment will be better to improve gait velocity and cadence in stroke patient???
dear physio.ams,
I have written about this somewhere on this forum.
Nearly 30 years ago I was involved in compairing the PNF and Bobath approaches in adult patients with hemiplegia.
We trained specific function such as getting up from the chair and walking (in between the bars with hand support)
Data was never published, we were specifically interested in the clinical outcomes at the time.
Results as I remember them were:
- patients very much preferred the PNF, they had the feeling that they were doing something themselves.
- end results seemed similar and were not always very promising.
I remember us having a lot of problems with the hyperextension of the knees.
Sorry that I cannot give you more information than this.
We had recieved postgraduate education in both methods...
physiobob (18-09-2011)