Treatment Protocol for Patients with Hemiplegia;;
Treatment Protocol for Patients with Hemiplegia | HealthMad
very good ways
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Treatment Protocol for Patients with Hemiplegia;;
Treatment Protocol for Patients with Hemiplegia | HealthMad
very good ways
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As a survivor this is rather worthless. No discussion on therapies for penumbra recovery vs. therapies for recovery of dead brain functions. All you are hoping to do is facilitate spontaneous recovery. Doesn’t anyone look at theMRI scans to determind the dead/damaged areas and based on that recommend therapies?
Read this article to see why there is a lack of trust of physiotherapists.
Read more: Treatment Protocol for Patients with Hemiplegia | Healthmad
You are quoting an article from 1994. Dear me.
I agree that the treatment protocol is a nothing else, but a list of generalised treatments (not evern EB ones), does not refer to EB Outcome Measures to evaluate treatment outcome, does make some false statements, and does not refer to an individualised assessment - it also does not show any sign of clinical analysis. No references to underline comments are given either.
There are other, very good clinical guidelines for Stroke Rehab available; e.g. American Stroke Association, NZ Guidelines Group, Cochrane Collaboration, etc.
In nearly 20 years of Physiotherapy I have not come across 2 patients with the sameDoesn’t anyone look at the MRI scans to determind the dead/damaged areas and based on that recommend therapies?MRI result that presented in the same way. MRI results are done to determine the medical treatment of Strokes - for Physio, we have to rely on our own assessment and evidence-based treatment approaches, which will vary from patient to patient.
And as to Penumbra recovery vs. dead brain function recovery - I have never heard of any Physio who will not encorporate both in their treatment. Even if they might not be aware of what they are actually working on.