heloo all,could anyone tell me about VASA CONCEPT 4R STROKE REHAB,i came 2 know about tis from www.brainstrokes.com
i would be very happy if some one could enlighten me on tis interesting concept....thanx
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heloo all,could anyone tell me about VASA CONCEPT 4R STROKE REHAB,i came 2 know about tis from www.brainstrokes.com
i would be very happy if some one could enlighten me on tis interesting concept....thanx
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VASA CONCEPT is a non traditional thinking to find solution for motor problems of stroke.
Start to think outside the book formula and begin with a simple thought why loss of only few hundred or thousand cells in one hemisphere can cause one half of the body not to function normally ?
Think beyond the simple explanation that in UMN damage, uninhibited facilitation of neurons below the level of lesion and absence of cortical inhibition is the only reason for what you experience and see in stroke patients.
rajul vasa
hello rasul madam,
i have seen your site and i am proud of you for developing a concept of yours.if felt that the explanation you have posted here is not explaining the concept in detail.if possible kindly post a detailed explanation of this concept.
let me know your querries.
hello madam thanks a lot 4r ur valuable feedback... am interested to know more about tis.. and how can it be applied practically... could you kindly suggest any sites/books regarding tis concept.... thanx...
hello madam,
if a patient had right hemiparesis and difficulty in doing functional activity with that arm.consider he has only grade 1 spasticity,mmt 2+ in major arm muscles.how you will be treating this case.thanks in advance
binmath and all
I will try my best to explain explicitly BUT you will have to shed all your previous ways of looking at stroke analyzing stroke and treating stroke.
Only Those who are prepared not to carry the "old luggage" will benefit. For the rest who carry traditional views I do not like to impose my views about stroke rehab on anyone else.
One needs to understand the birth of spasticity with a different pathophysiologcal concept.
Traditional grading of spasticity and muscle power assesment do not always lead to the right tract of tratment,
Looking for voluntary control, grading the motor control for functional possibilities in stroke patient must not be directly correlated, it may put you on the wrong tract though one needs good power for normal day to day activity.
One must look into other areas of automatic control on movement, posture and the impact of the good side as well as the weak side on total integral self.
Hi Rajul, I realise the question was a rather general one however the answer is awefully vague. And from reading it it sounds a lot likeBobath.
Perhaps you could give us an over view of the key concepts (with examples) of your concept. Many thanks
Yes physiodude you will understand that it is not easy to explain when the background understanding behind VASA concept is 180 degree opposite (this was told to me by mybobath teacher in switzerland) to the traditional BOBATH thinking. I do not blame you to compare it with BOBATH as it does happen that you try to fit things in the facts known to you earlier
You will also understand that it is not easy to express when I do not know the background experience of therapist asking question.
I shall begin in short that stroke makes one whole integral self divide as if there is a "functional divorce" between two sides of the body. Saga of the chain of events and all the consequences that follow are founded on the base that the physical body got to remain physically united.
Brief short answers will come to you with every apt question from any body.
Little backgrond of the questioner will be appreciated.
Hi all
you may find something on stroke and my views on spasticity in the following.