Hi guys
My client, male, aged 64 has been suffering from Parkinson-dementia for past 3 yrs. He had been irregular on medicines. He is taking medicine seriously for past 6mts. He has h/o HT for around 10 yrs. He has more dementia oriented problem than Parkinson.
He has poor memory, poor comprehension, and disinterest, lost thinking capacity
He has no or little tremor and has other Parkinson symptoms. His posture is erect but developingscoliosis. Poor balance and gait.
Chief compliant from his wife is frequent falls [4-5times/day], disinterest, always sleepy not actively participating in his ADL. He is have sexual eagerness and forcing his wife to have sex. He also agrees that he is only interested in that. Not interested in exercises or any activities. He has severe hallucination and even harass his wife
even psyciatric drugs is not helping either.
Please give some ideas to improve his condition.
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