I would value your opinion on my approach to a patient I assessed for the first time on Wednesday.
I was asked to see a patient who had 2 wks previously undergone surgery to remove the SOL. The diagnosis from my understanding is that it was a malignant glioma that requires 6 months of intensive daily radiotherapy and chemotherapy with a rather poor prognosis and high rate of recurrence.
In terms of what he (or should I say his wife ) wanted me to do to help him was to teach him a few exercises to get him back in to shape.(Previously he was a triathlete). I did a full neuro exam and found: diminished fine hand movements (strength reduced), very slightly reduced strenth in the right arm all mm groups. His balance on the right leg was poor and there was reduced strength (slighly) in the right leg. Sensation was altered in R foot and R hand. His joint proprioception LL was also poor.
Otherwise gait was good.
From a pyschological perspective it was clear that the family was not coming to terms easily with the diagnosis. He was quiet and she was super positive.
I felt I could offer him a treatment programme to address his issues to a certain degree but the next intense phase of treatment made me feel that I should hold back a bit and wait to see how he felt on starting his treatment. Was I right in my decision or should I have got in there been dynamic and started right away? I spent 50 minutes with him and the next day dropped in some patient exercise sheets of the basic exercises that i had shown him. I simply left it that I could see him whenever suited him and looked forward to this opportunity.
Any comments?
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