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  1. #1

    Persuing higher studies in physiotherapy or not?

    Hi, i am intern student from bangalore, india. I will be completing my degree in january..my acedamic record is very good. I have got aggrregate 73%.

    I am in confusion wheather to go for masters or not and if yes whether from india or abroad. Is there any way of getting scholarship or any financial aid? What will be the plus point in doing a masters and what will be the demerits?

    please help me to solve my query..


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  2. #2
    It depends on your personal career goals and what expectations you have for your future professional endeavors. Of course, a master's degree from outside India will open the door to more opportunities in countries like Canada...If you plan to move abroad one day...
    In canada, physio is being phased out at the undergraduate level and future PTs will be required to hold MPTs or Msc in PT to practice...The same applies to states, I guess...

    So, if I were in your position and able to gather the necessary funds, I would definitely go for Msc or MPT abroad (or outside India)...

    Good luck in your future endeavours....


  3. #3
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    I would be interested to know any organizations or intitutes offering the scholarships for the Master degree programmes or PHD programmes for the overseas students especially from the Asian countries.

  4. #4
    thanks for ur replies..please be in touch ..my personal e mail id is parvezstyle@yahoo.com

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