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  1. #1
    christine joy

    rheumatoid arthritis

    I have a 77 years old female who was diagnosed to have RA on both feet, osteoarthritis on lumbar area. she c/o pain c a painscale of 3/10 from 7/10 and numbness on plantar aspect both on her feet. she also c/o pain on her lumbar area c a painscale of 4/10. she had undergone laboratory tests w/c includes decrease in ca, increase uric acid, and increase cholesterol. Her new complaints lately is the clicking sound on between c6 and c7. Rx includes paraffin wax on both feet, TENS + HMP on paralumbar area and HMP on c6 and C7.
    We have been doing these therapy for almost 6 months now and still the numbness still there. pain is already decrease but she wants without pain. what other Rx can u suggests?

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  2. #2
    Hi Christine!
    i just read ur Querry..
    In my view in any case of OA or Ra..if u have decreased the pain..start for whatever strenghening u can do for the part..as these conditions affect muscle power and leads to the pain

  3. #3
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    I agree with sanah. Concentrate on the exercise programme mainly upon range of motion exercises. Improve the strength and endurance of the musculoskeletal system to enhance the stability of spine and extremity joints. Isometric and Isotonics are both effective.

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