Can anybody help me to find some texts,books or web sites about Reflex Inhibiting Paterns(key points)-Bobath?
Thank you very,very much!
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Can anybody help me to find some texts,books or web sites about Reflex Inhibiting Paterns(key points)-Bobath?
Thank you very,very much!
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Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT), a treatment approach initially developed byBobath, identifies the esssential problems of the patient with stroke as poor control of selective movement patterns and wide spread abnormal tone and reflex activity.
In NDT patient learns to control tone and movement through the use of patterns that promotes normal selective movements ( out of synergy ) during functional activities. Automatic reactions ( righting, equilibrium, protective extension) are facilitated through the use of postural and sensory stimulation. Kinesthetic, proprioceptive, tactile and vestibular feed back are used to facilitate normal movement experiences. Compensatory training stretegies( use of less involved segments) are avoided for the fear that recovery and use of involved segments will be suppressed. Movement control within the context of functional tasks is emphasized. For more detail see
Adult Hemiplegia: Evaluation and treatment, 2nd edition by B. Bobath.
Thanx for that title!I will find it,but do you know some web site where can i find more informations about it?