i'm treating a 10 year girl with spastic diplegia.she has spasm in knee flexors and hip adductors,internal rotators when she came to me.and now i managed the thing with regular stretchings to knee flexors and strenghtening the knee extensors.but unable to reduce the hip adductor spasm.she is unable to flex and abduct her hips, extend her hips normally.here is the present condition of her lower limb joints:
hips - extension - normal bil
flexion - 0 to 5 degrees bil (AROM)
0 to70 degrees bil(PROM)
ext rotation - absent (AROM)
int rotation - hips rotate internally involuntarily and can rotate to neutral on command.
abduction - 0 to20 degrees (AROM)bil
0 to40 degrees (PROM)
adduction -10 degrees (AROM)BIL
15 degrees (PROM)
Knee - flexion -0 t0 110degrees (AROM)bil
0 to 120 degrees(PROM)
extension -120 to 30 degrees(AROM)bil
120 to 0 degrees(PROM)
ankle -dorsiflexion -0 to 7 degrees(AROM)BIL
0 to 15 degrees(PROM)
plantar flexion -0 to 10 degrees(AROM)
0 to 15 degrees(PROM)
she can sligtly flex and extend her metarsal and interphalyngeal joints and always keep the foot in inversion.can everse it on command.unable to bear her weight on the lateral border of the foot .all the above said conditions are getting improved day after day except hip flexion and aduction.plz suggest me any other treatment. she has been under my care since 4 months. she can stand with little support but with knees flexed to 20 to 25 degrees. she can walk in waddling gait with her KAFOs on with a tetrapod walker. all the above joint ranges got improved from 0 due to stretchings and strenthening.i've tried electrical stimulation but she she is so stubborn due to her odd experiences with that in the past when she was under care of other therapists..
bye ,
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