Originally Posted by
my self roshan dominic
physio from india.working as cordinator for one of the finest stroke rehab centers in india
i'll give u few sugesstions for the same.plz try n u'll get good results
1.plz try functional hand splint.if its not available ready made,plz contact ur OT for that.or u may try it through SAMMONSAND PRISTON.COM
3.try giving TENS for flexors and icing for extensors simultaneosly
4.never facilitate finger flexors,even if they have some movement.
5.do quick iceing for all extensors with quick strectching
6.never do quick stretching for flexors as it stimulates flexor synergy
try this methods n get back to me
I'm treating a woman with a 5 week old right hemi. She has active movement in all UL joints, has full ROM and has no subluxation. She is progressing well but I'm looking for inspiration for what else I can do to stimulate finger extension. She has limited extension in all digits - not enough to be functional. We are using sweeping as sensory stim., active & active - assisted exercises, weight-bearing....
Got any more ideas to stimulate extension as there has been no progress over the last week? There is a slight increase in flexor tone but it is not inhibitory and when it is inhibited she doesn't gain any extension.
All suggestions welcome.