i am managing a case of spinal cord injury in the form of compression by edema level of T12 ......the patient have parathesia with some motor weakness affecting only the left lower limb ....
ANY SuGGESTIONS........!!??
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i am managing a case of spinal cord injury in the form of compression by edema level of T12 ......the patient have parathesia with some motor weakness affecting only the left lower limb ....
ANY SuGGESTIONS........!!??
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I had a recent patient like this but with a higher problem. I started with sensory stimulation which I got his family to do regularly or in this case the patient can do it himself. Then it's a matter of active or active assisted exercises to strengthen the muscles and passive movements if the patient has no movement.
Is he medically considered stable? If so, then you can teach him how to transfer and work in standing - for strengthening and balance, sit to stand etc.
Is that what you wanted to know or did you have a more specific question?
hi ........
thanks for your suggestions , but can u tell me more about the sensory rehabilitation and its effect ,
thanx alot....
Try stroking the skin with a very soft material e.g. a feather then gradually progress to a rougher material and using different textures. I tend to find proximal to distal more stimulating. The idea is to stimulate the sensory system i.e. start the nerves firing with 2 aims - to help reduce parasthesia and to stimulate the underlying muscles depending of your stimulating the flexor extensor surface.
If you can tell us what the motor deficit is and where/what kind of parasthesia he has I could be more specific
Have a look at this article:
Brain (2004), 127, 1403-1414
Three exercise paradigms differentially improve sensory recovery after spinal cord contusion in rats
Happy reading