Thank you very much for the info and the leads on the Kinemedic AFO. I must say I am very interested in learning more about the benefits of the this design over more traditional AFO designs. I tend to think outside the box and am very picky when it comes to the design and trim lines of the finished product. It sounds like you have used this AFO for CVA pateints? Can you describe the benefits of allowing more motion, specifically with the segmeted foot plate? Why not use a plantar flexion stop with patients that have dorsi weakness or hyperextension issues?
I too am a big fan of only treating the patients needs and make special attempts to recommend designs that will not over brace.
I must be honest, most of my practice is made up of pediatric lower extremity orthoses and I am being offered an opportunity to treat Stroke patients at a major hospital.
The interesting thing about the patients thus far is they present with many of the same issues commonly experienced with the pediatric patient. Weakness, spasticity/tone and limitations in ROM.
I'll try not to eat up too much of your time but I have lots of questions about this population and want to be prepared to treat them with the best possible care.
How do you manage ROM issues if you start to see equinus contractures developing. Nighttime bracing possibly? Stretching excersizes?
I thank you for you communications and look forward to more responses.