My wife sufferd a severe stroke due to high fever at the age of 7. She almost lost her right leg but with exercise and massage she now manage to do her daily job without any problem. She has under developed right leg which lacks strength. She manages to walk ride sccoter by herself. She stopped the treatement becuase she doesnt want to take risk of getting situation worst. I saw some difference in her thigh muscles which is visibly un even. Also her right feet is little smaller or not fully developed. To add further she has sensation in the leg and could feel the touch and pinching hard also hurts her. So its not that its fully senseless or without strength. I just wanted to is there way in Physiotherapy to treat this completely. Hopefully she does not have under developed leg bones. I need to confirm by doing x ray scanning.
Let me know if you need any further information to investigate this.
I would really appreciate if anybody can direct me. I love this woman very much.
God bless you all
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