hi friend
there is a book -common musculoskeletal injuries- which has the treatment part too.even text book on sports by Reider also will be useful.
I have posted this thread before , but it was removed due to the backup failure.
I have read some of the post that there is a post recommending a book on sports that contain both diagnosis and treatment.
Magee is a good book but it just provide good assessment ... it lacks the treatment part or treatment directions.
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hi friend
there is a book -common musculoskeletal injuries- which has the treatment part too.even text book on sports by Reider also will be useful.
I think perhaps the gold standard for anyone's library is Karim Kahn and Peter Brukner's Clinical Sports Medicine (now in it's 3rd Edition).
This has an excellent overview of potential causes, how to identify them and treatment options. It is summarized enough to also make it an excellent quick reference in the clinic.
See a link to it here
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friend, mail to sharpinsightimaging@gmail.com . its the id of a rehilitation center which conducts clinical and radiological differential diagnosis course.
Additional Comment I forgot:
friend, mail to sharpinsightimaging@gmail.com . its the id of a rehilitation center which conducts clinical and radiological differential diagnosis course.