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    Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hello guys I am new to this site I have been reading and find it very interesting.

    My question is: 3 week ago a had an accident playing soccer. I was about to run when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my ankle and I also heard a noise like it cracked or popped. I was in a lot of pain for the first 3 days then, it started being less but I still have swelling in the back of my ankle and can't walk normally or stand on my toes.

    Since I don't have insurance I went to a private clinic to get it checked out and had x-rays taken but doctor said that it was not a torn tendon, she said if it was I wouldn't be able to walk.

    but now i am really concerned because it has been 3 weeks and I don't
    get any better. Could it be that the doctor was wrong and indeed I do have a rupture?

    Please! any advise is welcome.

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    Re: Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    Can you point the foot fully when there is no weight on it? If not then you have damaged the achilles tendon. Various things can pop in the ankle so the pop doesn't tell us that much. The inability to walk normally or rise onto the toes does. And this swelling without an actual ankle sprain does make one think about the achilles - perhaps a partial tear.

    X-rays will not show damage to the tendon as x-rays look at bone and not connective tissue. You require a diagnostic ultrasound scan or Wikipedia reference-linkMRI to see what's going on in the tendon. That said a good physio will be able to assess you and tell you what's going on without the expensive investigations. If they deem that the achilles is partially ruptured then they will suggest more investigations.

    I suggest you get a second opinion and soon

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    Re: Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    I agree with bob. you must get another opinion.

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    Re: Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    A bit late in the day to chime in, but won't partial tears heal themselves if immobilised?

    [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]RTKR 18th March 09[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]

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    Re: Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    Hi there
    I also agree that you need another opinion (a good physiotherapist would be a great place to start) and ultrasound/Wikipedia reference-linkMRI to determine the extent of the damage. it is possible that you have damaged the achilles tendon in some way, but in some people there is also a plantaris tendon (not everyone has it) which can also rupture independently of the achilles but initially it presents very much similar to an achilles rupture, although the restriction in active ankle movement doesn't last as the swelling and bruising subsides. you may also have torn or damaged other structures around then ankle.

    while you can happily live without a plantaris and it will just gradually heal (your body takes care of the left over bits of muscle in time), but you do need an achilles tendon so it's a good idea to get further tested to see exactly what the damage is now that the acute injury is 3 weeks old.

    good luck

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    Re: Ruptured Achilles tendon?

    Thanks for all the help guys. Here is the lates since the last time I posted.

    After all the recomedations from the people here. finally after a month and a half after the injury I finally requested my doctor to send me in for an Wikipedia reference-linkmri since I wasnt getting any better. Well, 2 days later they call me in and tell me sorry, yes, you have a full achilles tendon rupture and you need surgery. Well I had surgery just last week on 4/17/09 my doctor says everything went well but because they took so long to diagnose it I had to have the big cut on my leg to repair the tendon.
    10 days have gone by and the pain went away and I think everything is going well cause I have no swelling or purpleness on my toes at all. I am schedule to remove stiches on friday 5/01/09 but doctor says I have to keep cast for 6 weeks. and then do rehab.

    I must say that I was very scared because of all the stories I read online but my experience so far has been pretty good. And alot of people say that you have a window for surgery. well yes it's true,but that only applies to the type of surgery you want to have, if you wait longer than a week then they have to make a large insition to repair the tendon. but for me so far so good. I will post again after friday to let you guys know how it goes after I have my stiches taken out.

    Oh, one more question for you guys. what do they mean with no weight bearing. does this mean I can't even put my leg down and let it rest on the floor when I'm sitting down? This I don't understand so please help.

    Thank you all

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