Hi I fractured my little finger playing football (goalkeeper) Sunday before last. (11 days ago now) I put some ice on it, and after the match went to A&E. They took an x-ray and confirmed a fracture, they buddy strapped it to my ring finger, and made me a fracture clinic appointment for the Tuesday just gone (day 9).
I was expecting the FC to either keep me strapped up or to cast my hand for a further 2-3 weeks, however, instead of this he cut the strapping off and discharged me. He said it looks okay, and I can start trying to move it now, and just keep working on making a fist.
Now this guy is well respected and recommended by other people as being very good at what he does. I am just very surprised that after one week strapping, I am now discharged with no follow up or xray, and no official physio.
He told me not to play in goal for 6 weeks so as not to risk damaging it before it has healed. I just wondered if anyone can shed any light on whether it is okay for me to be discharged so soon? The fracture on the xray must have been quite small as I couldn't really see it from where I was sat, so presume the bones are still aligned etc. Have tried looking into it but cant find any fracture where they do not recommend strapping or casting for at least a couple weeks??
I'm just worried that I am meant to presume that it is all okay at some point after 6 weeks and start playing again.
Any ideas? Is it okay to be discharged with a fracture after 1 week and to start using it? I can bend it a little now, but I still have a long way to go. I am just worried about doing some damage if the bone is still fragile.
Any help appreciated.
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