I am currently working in Orthopaedics carrying out a 'length of stay audit'. I would like to know from thoise therapists working on the wards - How long is the average length of stay for a typical THR/TKR patient?
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I am currently working in Orthopaedics carrying out a 'length of stay audit'. I would like to know from thoise therapists working on the wards - How long is the average length of stay for a typical THR/TKR patient?
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I'm not actually working on the wards at the moment, but I think the general length of stay is about 5-10 days, depending upon when drains are removed, and support at home. If more rehab is needed, they are generally moved out of the acute ward in this time frame and moved onto rehab.
In Chicago, IL USA, acute hospitalization length of stay is 3-4 days if there are no complications. This applies to TKR and THR, though can be as little as 2 days if minimally invasive procedures are used.
Length of stay on acute ward for TKR and THR is 6-8 days, the patient is then discharged straight home with therapy in put for up to 2 weeks at home,or routine out patient treatment, depending on where the patient lives
Unless complicated by other concurrent problems; 3-4 days and home with follow-up for a couple of times by OT and PT. This used to be 8-10 days in the 80s - speeded up by better operative techniques, less conservatism and more aggressive approaches.
we've been collecting data on TKR since start of june this year as part of a project to try and find a good predictor of LOS- so far the average LOS for TKR is 7.625 days, but this doesnot acoount for some of the outliers.
Does anyone have any good reliable outcomes measures for TKR