I am a squash player who has had a minor (right) wrist problem for many years. I am right-handed. About 3 years ago, the problem suddenly got worse. I saw a specialist who performed a debridement of the S/L after a tear was indicated onMRI in June 2008.
Today, I am no better off, unable to continue to playing squash, which I'd dearly love to do. I saw another specialist who repeated the MRI and found that the ligament is mostly absent due to repeated tear. However, there is no bone (scaphoid/lunate) dissociation. It is also painful on extension -- not so much with flexion.
Therefore, the question of whether or not to proceed with surgical reconstruction (tendon graft) is a tough call. The surgeon has left this decision with me after explaining I'd lose some ROM, mostly flexion (which is not such a big deal as extension). I'd truly love to play squash and if I was confident that this procedure would give me a good chance of doing so, I'd go for it.
Can anyone help with advice on this matter? Thanks for any tips.
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