Just for your info, i'm a fire fighter so like you I need my hands to do my job.
Currently, I cannot do a press up with my hand bent back, it simply doesn't go back enough to do one comfortably. When i've tried my arm isn't as vertical as my other arm due to the loss of backward motion of the hand. However, my hand does go back to around 2/3rd's of full motion, so when I lift heavy objects above my head, for instance ladders, my hand is not as bent back as it used to be, which makes it slightly harder to lift things, but as the hand is as far back as it will go you adapt to it.
What i'm trying to say is, normally your natural hand position for your job will be fully bent back, after the op you may not have as much as you had before, but what you are left with will be your NEW natural motion and you will get used to it and adapt how you do things slightly.
Not everyone loses motion, some keep the same motion or lose just a little, some on the other hand lose alot... (i'm the latter hehe)