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    help me in my research

    I have to do research, so I chose to do about back injuries releated to work spescially with nurse so I want to do it by questionnaire.
    so I would like to help me in this and give me the idea and the questions to use it in the questionnaire
    thank you for all

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    Smile Re: help me in my research

    you can go through all the back pain questionnaires like roland morris etc and decide which one to use.other wise you can prepare your own set of questions by taking inspiration from these questionnaires.but if your preparing your own new questionaire...you have to first validate it

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    Re: help me in my research

    s your research for a masters degree of part of your professional degree? If so you want to keep things really contained - your research questions should be very specific and your project should be tight and not at all expansive.

    If you want to survey nurses then, I would not embark on a validation of an original questionnaire. Limbin is giving you good advice here. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. I would use the scales in their entirety so you don't have to do any validation. There has been quite a lot of work already done on this topic so stick with selecting a small battery of questionnaires (up to 3 at the absolute most - less can be better) that will answer your research question. Use the questionnaires in the entirety and select the ones with the best measurement properties. In looking at back pain with nurses, back pain-specific outcome measures like the Rolland Morris may or may not really answer what you want to know. These questionnaires are designed to measure back pain disability and are oriented to general ADL, so using one of these in its entirety may be good, but then choose one occupational disability questionnaire. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) is the most widely used questionnaire and has been used amongst nurses. there are others around to consider. Of course you can also collect demographic data over and above these questionnaires.

    But don't use too many and try to keep it simple. It should not take them more than 10-15 minutes to complete. If it takes longer you will get fatigue and accuracy and response rates will drop off.

    Here are a few refs you could have a look at, but there is much more available. You should of course do a really thorough literature search and review of the topic:

    SpringerLink - Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Volume 15, Number 3

    Occupational role performance in persons with back pain - Disability & Rehabilitation

    Low back pain and occupation among Irish health service workers ? Occup Med (Lond)

    Best of luck with your survey

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