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    Fractured Femur (Open, Non-Union) Potential Recovery

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi there, I'm just posting today really to try and get some perspective on my current condition. I've asked my physiotherapist but they are reluctant to reveal such things for obvious reasons (And to be fair, I'm not expecting anyone to give me an accurate answer I'd just like some potential outcomes and likelyhoods).

    Approximately one year ago I had an open fracture on my left femur due to a motorbike crash, there was alot of dirt in the wound and after 8 litres of saline to wash it out the surgeon inserts a pin through my knee to hold my femur together.

    6 months later after i was walking using one crutch I started getting incredibly intense pains and we found out that the bone wasn't healing whatsoever, I was referred to a specialist in Liverpool who I only got to see December last year and we discovered that the bone was infected and had to be removed to be replaced with some Antibiotic paste, I now have to have another operation in a few weeks to have the bone grafted.

    My question is that assuming all goes well with the operation and I do my exercises and work hard daily how likely is it that I'll be able to walk without a limp? Or potentially do sport again etc?

    The muscle was punctured by the bone during the accident but I am to understand that even though the muscle is stiff and weak now (Due to a years lack of proper use) it can potentially get back to full strength with enough effort and time?

    Thanks in advance I'm just trying to alleviate some of my worries concerning my final condition, I'm only 20 and studying at university (Starting my second year in September) and I would hate to not be able to walk properly or participate in events with people my own age ever again.

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    Re: Fractured Femur (Open, Non-Union) Potential Recovery

    Not sure if this would be of any help to you, but I fractured my left femur, left toes, right knee, right tibia, right ankle, right heel, right clavicle, left ribs, and other internal damage. I was involved in an RTA 3 years 8 months ago. I was 44 years of age when the accident happened. I know what you must be going through but you will get your mobility back. It all depends on you and how much you are willing to push and most of all to know when not to over do it. The muscles need a lot of work and a lot of rest, so find a fine balance. It will take time, so don't be impatient. You are very young and you will get back to were you were before the accident. I now walk six miles every day, strength train regularly, and jog on the treadmill. I used to be a marathon runner before the accident.

    Don't give up!


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