It may not make it 100% due to the nonunion of the fracture heal. However it should definitely improve things from where you are. And don't wait. The longer you wait the more difficult it is to regain the range of motion.
It may not make it 100% due to the nonunion of the fracture heal. However it should definitely improve things from where you are. And don't wait. The longer you wait the more difficult it is to regain the range of motion.
what do you suggest? go for Surgery?
Usually if the bone is healing well even with slight non-union, you're not in extreme pain, and you have function, they won't rebreak and reset.
Not quite sure if you mean that, bones healed slightly off. Or if you mean that the bone has not calloused and healed completely enough for strengthening yet...? Two different things.
i had little confused whethere we can go for surgery/not. bacase i aot having so much pain. only when i try to rotate my hand(spining) i used to get pain. but not completly rotating. but it is better then before.
beacasue first i did ayurvedic treatment. it is mal - united(not a non union) one bone. can you suggest we will go for surgey/ it will cure if i do continiuosly physio exercise.
Listen to your doctor and try physio. You'll know within a few weeks if it will help or not. Usually it does. But there are cases where it doesn't. I'd only look at surgery as last option, not first.