Hey guys,
Totally confused.. plz help...

patient is 32yr/M, had a Road traffic accident in march '06.. had a tibial lower 1/3 rd oblique fracture.. shd've been treated with ORIF but som orthopaedic treated it with plaster cast.. this lead to malunion.. the cast was applied for 6 months...

now the patient has restricted range, tight quadriceps, immobile patella, Bow leg developing, limb length discrepancy...

I've given him a raise to equal the length of both legs.. a lateral raise to slow down the varus leg developing...

Still the range is restricted at 100.. tight quads limit flexion..

Stretching is continuing.. tryin to mobilize patella... wat more do i do..

It is not feasible for patient to re fracture and go through the agony again...


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