Do a basic course on taping techniques. It would then help you understand better & become innovative.
What is kinesio-taping, how it is done
do you have a web site about kinesio-taping, or vedio
please help me.....![]()
Hessa PT
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Do a basic course on taping techniques. It would then help you understand better & become innovative.
hi kinesio taping is a special technique for increasing/decreasing muscle tone or stabelizing lig. injuries. there are special ways to tape, so asha is right, its important to do a course in these things to learn the correct handling and ways to apply etc.
i think its an interesting additive way to treat.
good luck
Thank you both Asha & Watti for your replay
Here are some good sites having information upon Kinesio taping
A guide to strapping and tapping
Kinesio tape and Kinesio taping
Kinesio taping UK
Kinesio taping association
thank you sdkashif very much for thses nice web sites
Thanks for your comments.
Here's a link to an example for this with paediatrics. It's in our video section.
Pediatric Kinesio Taping instructor and physical therapist Michelle Tavera guides clinicians through this technique. For information regarding indications and contraindications for implementing and prescribing the technique, please contact the Kinesio Taping Association at
Last edited by physiobob; 24-10-2007 at 08:08 PM.
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thanks physiobob for your replay
i believe kinesiology healing is a very unique technique for fitness. Thereby i have also finded a good website which provides good tips on kinesology.
Hahaha, The looks the kid on the video gives are priceless, made me laugh. Looks great though, realy would like to take this course!
I recently conducted a critical review of the literature on Kinesio Taping (KT) in preparation for my dissertation next year. As a novice, student reviewer I would happily admit that I may not have found all the research that's out there, but what I did find was very little level 1 evidence on the use of KT. In fact, after ditching the low grade research and trials on healthy populations I was only able to review 2 RCT's, one on the efficacy of KT in the treatment of whiplash and one on the treatment of shoulder pain. Though both papers posted some statistically significant results neither was able to demonstrate any clinically significant findings. There is a definate gap for further research - presumably because KT is relatively new to the western market.
Far from being an opponent of KT I'm really interested to find out more about it's use and what, if any other high level research is out there. Unfortunately, the high cost of KT courses makes it impossible to attend practical training at the moment but it's definately a course I'll consider in the future - if the evidence supports it!!!
Hi Outlawrich,
I am also very sure that elastic taping has many possibilities. Have developed a novice course elastic taping in paediatrics.
Have been conducting research into all the literature but am pretty sure I am interpreting the outcomes in a very different manner.
Have some new hypothesis about the reason it works and have "made up" two new applications, just by applying evidence which is out there in different areas and using in practice.
Would like to ask if you are interested in sharing information and ideas but I would prefer exchanging them personally first.
Hi Hessa, Please let us know if you still have any outstanding questions?
Additional Comment I forgot:
Forgot to say please feel free to check out our kinesio tape website at Any questions just let me know :-)
Hi all,
We have found these guys to be extremely good, and massively cheeper than the other kinesiotape suppliers: .....and the tapes are of a very good quality with strong glue.
Kinesiology is the therapy where skin and muscle tone are manipulated and toned for pain management, mobilisation and recovery.
This is becoming an ever increasing popular therapy for common sporting injuries.
KT Tape is the US Market leading therapy tape which will be available to buy in the UK from 2011.
We are also building taping courses for physiotherapists to learn and share expertise. If you are interested in the clinical and education side of Kinesiology then please contact me
Regards - Ketan
I've heard that kinesiology taping is merely a term to avoid trademark or copyright issues with the Kinesio company. Kinesio Tape is still the leader in the US and has been available in the UK (and many other countries) for quite some time. KT Tape appears to be an imitation based on the fact that they've adopted a common nickname for Kinesio Tex Tape as their label.
The links posted previously -- Kinesio Tape and Kinesio Taping, Kinesio UK, and Kinesio Taping - Global are still your best bet.
Dear Veijita,
As I have commented before, there are more elastic therapeutic taping companies producing many brands (>60). Dr. Kenzo Kase developed this tape and many people know it as kinesiotape. His brand is now known as Kinesio the original tape. I have met him and heard him speak.
We, as physiotherapists cannot possibly say anything about the quality of the various tapes which is a pity.
I do know of research comparing 3 tapes, I also know of a study looking at the mechanical properties but to my knowledge so far no research comparing tapes of various brands has been done. I would welcome a study into adhesive quality, anti-allergic components, colour and percieved effects ... that would be very interesting.
Until that time, we do not know which is the best. I use CureTape and am very satisfied with this tape. When children are allergic I try other available brands. I also use dark brown on people with a dark skin. It's a pity that not many brands produce this colour.
As stated earlier for me it is of utmost importance to know what the adhesive contains. I have to be able to tell patients and parents what the name of the chemicals that we are we applying to their skins.
Last edited by estherderu; 17-05-2012 at 09:25 PM.
The question of the adhesive content is an intriguing one and may be different for different brands. Unfortunately it is probably considered proprietary information for that very reason. I'll post back on here if I find anything out.
Thanks Viejita,
That would be great. Always looking forward to having more information.
I recommend everyone to take part in some seminars where experts show how to use the Kinesiotape. You can also watch on Youtube, there are severeal movies there that show how to tape.
I recommend this site for buying Kinesiotape; - Sporttejp Kinesiotejp - Kinesiotape online
Hope it was useful. Kalle
Kinesio taping training in Bangalore India. Date:Jan7th and 8th 2012.By Original Kineiso team. For details contact Jyothiprasad Hegde M;00919341071364
I have only had good experiences with Kinesiotape. I is not very expensive and it works perfect - if you know how to use it.
dear Andreas,
I have have good experience with elastic therapeutic tape of many different brands.
Dear Interested,
i don't use the tape in children alot, but I do use it some. It's purpose can be to stimulate the muscles under it. Or, i have used it on muscle spasms on kids traps muscles. The tendancy to keep "scrunching" the shoulders up to the neck is lessened when a ihibition tape job is done on the traps. So it is all about learning how to apply the tape right to decrease or increase activity. It depends how much you stretch it, or whether you take it from origin to incertion, or simply do a "correction" over a bursa. There are lots of courses here in Canada, so google it and look around. .
(this is an orthopedic blog, so these children had orthopedic diagnosis)
Last edited by Crystal R. Westergard; 18-04-2012 at 02:24 PM. Reason: critical blog participants