dear Crystal,
Paediatrics is a very special area of expertise.
I am concerned about the way colleagues, trained in one or the other elastic therapeutic taping course (brands x,y & z) assume that taping techniques learnt in a course meant for adults, can be applied to children as well.
I have been a physio (specialized in many areas) for 35 years now and have never seen a child with a lazy muscle or unused muscles: have never heard this as a medical diagnosis before. I have only seen a few cases of muscle spasms in the trapezius: to me this is a red flag/sign of infection. I want to know more before I do anything at all.
The more expertise you have, the better your tape choices will become.
As a result the 'tape' goals that you set might be reached and you have a happy child/patient as a result.
I dare to challenge the old hypothesis regarding the tape.
Origin to insertion/insertion to origin?? We still do not know exactly why the tape works, but a number of people have come up with some very interesting ideas.
There are more and more courses regarding this tape all over the world AND there are more and more ideas about how to use the tape which I find fantastic. People are taping meridians, myofascial trains, acupuncture points, TP's, cutaneous nerves and the skin.
The use of tape on a healthy athleet will be completely different to that of an older diabetic patient.
The skin is different, the person's personal goals in life will be different even if they have both sprained their ankles.
I use quality brands only. Use much less tape on the elderly and the very young.
kind regards