This paper claims to have reinvented shoulder rehab, while all the while advocating what has been pushed for decades, the notion that somehow shoulders get pain because of weakness. This completely ignores the much more common and useful prospect that in fact the reverse is more likely to be true. Also ignores the strong likelihood that there will be nothing wrong with the shoulder discretely at all . The most common cause of shoulder pain without injury is referred pain from the upper thoracic and cervical spine. Easily mapped , treated, and eliminated with appropriate manual therapies to the spine and none at all to the shoulder. In my own clinical life , it is such a rare thing to come across a shoulder pain/dysfunction problem that is not referred, I would almost say it is impossible. Nerves govern all function and sensation , to ignore the contribution from central neural structures and the association with spinal facet function is to position oneself, therapeutically , with doctors of medicine , who collectively , are driven by attention to and perceptions of patholgy. Pathology is rarely the cause of idiopathic shoulder pain.
This paper serves to drive the old tired shoulder weakness story still further in the minds of those not yet turned on to referred events as common and fixable phenomena.