Hey guys

so in a nutshell, I have a problem in my LEFT ring finger that stops me from doing any gripping or doing any gripping at all without pain,
this has been ongoing for 3 months now

I had trigger finger surgery 6 months ago, and till now there has been no triggering and the previous symptoms are not there anymore
however I feel this is somehow connected as it is the same finger, and I have problems gripping with this finger
It started small but got progressively worse over time, as I have been gripping at the gym, BUT I have stopped going now!
tbh resting it alone didn't seem to help anyway

I have had x-rays, taken ibuprofen/ice, but no help and seen the doctor but he has no idea what it is.

the symptoms are most prominent when gripping something e.g. a dumbbells at the gym or even holding shopping bags for my mum,
which i cant as it really hurts and gives a sharp pain in the MCP joint of the finger and radiates abit down
I primarily feel a tight sharp pain down there and as if something squishy and as if something is stuck there....

since the doctors not sure what do you guys think? the doc isnt exactly a hand specialist, someone here might be....
I can give more info about this

I'm wondering if this is scar tissue from the surgery or just inflammation, it hasn't gotten any better with rest... but progressively worse

should I get an MRI, CT or acupuncture?


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