hy guys...y there's no reply..???
Hi Guys...
I Cudnt find out any guidelines for 'Manipulation Under anaesthesia' procedure..compiled by physios- for physios...I cud get guidelines for Chiropracs and osteopaths. Can u give me d link if you know one??
Dis is an interesting link...
Physical Therapy Specialists, PC
U can find out info abt Manips under anaesthesia developed by a Senior physio from US. And they are practising it with gr8 success..
Chk this out from dat website...
Many people suffer fromadhesive capsulitis or "
frozen shoulder". The condition and traditional rehabilitation may be very painful and time consuming. To decrease time to return to full function, this form of manipulation was developed by Paul Roubal, PhD, PT and Jeff Placzek, MD, PT, OCS. This is used when conventional treatment fails to improve range of motion and function. It allows for acceleration of therapy, often with a reduction in pain. The procedure requires one day off of work. Patients will have to follow through with an aggressive home stretching program and will be seen daily by their physical therapist. After this first week, they will continue three times a week as needed. Generally, the time following the manipulation requires one month to maintain range of motion and gain strength.
Y not we debate on this??????????????
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hy guys...y there's no reply..???
i know that surgon do Manupulation with anasthesia not a physiotherapist.
i saw pt who had full range during manipulation with anasthesia but the lose it after surgery
hy did you check with the link which i've attached in my previous post???
try to download the original article and read it, which the authors have published. In dat, they (physios) have done MUA with success.
Roubal PJ, Dobritt D, Placzek JD. Glenohumeral gliding manipulation following interscalene brachial plexus block in patients withadhesive capsulitis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1996:24:66-77.
chk this out..