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    My 17 month old son

    Cerebral Palsy In Infancy
    Hi everyone,

    I have 2 children a 4yr old girl and a 17 month old boy, my daughter has no problems with her bones etc she does have alot of problems with her eyes.

    my son was 2 weeks late and was dilivered normaly weighing 8lb 14 oz (ouch!)

    he was back to back during my labour but turned at the end,
    a few months after he was born health visitor noticed he had extra creases on his legs, he had a scan on his hips only for hip diplacia, all results was fine.

    He started pulling his self up to furniture atabout 7 months old, he walked at 11 month old.

    about 2 months ago he was haveing a naked mad moment running round the room and i noticed his legs were bowed, i thought it was normal so didnt really think too much about it until my mum suggested i got him checked as he was getting worse. i am now waiting for his appointment for the pediatric physiotheripist in april. but i dont know what to expect from this appointment im so worried for him as now over last month his legs are even more bent one is worse than the other, his ankles are bent also and dont look normal, and also he used to walk for ages but now he cant he askes to be carried and hed never do that unless he was in discomfort.

    also when he was a baby everytime i picked him up his back bones would make a crunch sound and i could feel them move i told doctor and they just said its normal.

    soooo sorry for long thread just wondered if anyone could let me know what to expect from appointment or any ideas whats wrong.

    i have a half brother who has Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder (CMT)

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  2. #2

    Re: My 17 month old son

    Dear Carrie,

    have you seen a paediatrician yet?
    That would be my first choice.
    A child should be progressing in his development and it sounds as if this is not the case.

    I suggest making an appointment for the specialist before going to the physiotherapist.

    All the best.


  3. #3

    Re: My 17 month old son

    A physiotherapist will check that the degree of bow is within normal limits. The bow can be from several places (thigh to shin, just in the shin, just in the thigh, shin to ankle or all of the above). The degree of bow in each leg should be under a certain degree and symmetrical. There should be no dramatic bow in any one bone. The physiotherpist should also check gross motor skills for age and determine if the leg alignment is having any inpact on development. Bow legs is VERY normal for 17 months and in fact often at it's peak. A paediatrician can refer you to a specialist limb clinic if any of the above applies to your son.
    Hope you have had a positive experience with the physiotherapist

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