well i`m gonna talk about a 2 3/12 y/o boy, who diagnosed with spastic CP, brain atrophy and hydrocephalus.
This will be the medical diagnosis, what is your own physiotherapeutic diagnosis?
O/E : his muscle tone was 3/4 for L.E and 2/4 for U.E
In what manner was the muscle tone tested? Which test was used and how reliable is this test?
MMT: 3+/5 grossly graded
Did you test muscles or functional stength. In the case of muscles, which muscles did you test and why did you think these muscles are of importance ?
funchional activities: he`s I in all bed activities, needs moderate assistance in lie to sit , can sit by himself with poor to fair sitting balance.
Did you use the GMFM to assess his function? If not, what assessment did you use? What are the treatment goals you have set out?
my treatment was : i used physioball to reduce spasticity also make him in sidelying to reduce spasticity also.
Do you think you can reduce spasticity with exercise? How do you assess this? Can you assess this?
NDT, tilt table for 45 min, playing therapy to improve sitting and standing balance.
What is the specific goal for the use of the tilt table? Did you exercise in a certain posture, do you exercise transfers and moving from one plane to the other? How do you improve postural balance with you play therapy?
and if he improved i`ll start with gait training and using treadmill, bicycle, stairs etc ...
Is this relevant at this moment?
i found an article about the anti-spastic positions n it was effective, but i couldn`t find anything related to NDT, physioball or balance
Where have you been looking for articles?
thank u so much ,, i hope i made my self clear now