dear Majedah,
Are you looking for courses in English, or are other languages possible as well?
Please let me know.
Am apediatric pt from medial east , and i need to improvemy skill and information , iwanna attend any course for 4 to 6 weak ,, did u have any idea about that ?
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dear Majedah,
Are you looking for courses in English, or are other languages possible as well?
Please let me know.
yes in english ,,,,,,,,
some courses likebobath
Dear Majedah,
You will have to be a little patient.
I have posted your question to more than 15 paediatric physiotherapy organisations around the world. I cannot expect answers straight away.
I do know there are a few possibilities in Bad Ragaz Zwitserland.
go to Courses – Klinik Valens
on the ndta website a link to theBobath courses NDTA™
on the sensory intergration website a link to their courses Course schedules | sensory integration network
will get back to you with more details once I have them.
Maybe you can start by looking at the above websites
kind regards
thanks alot,,,,,
my best regards,,,,,,