dear Koni,
In most young children I focus on the trunk and its possibilities first.
How is her trunkcontrol in sitting?
When young children commence comming to sit, and learn how to sit alone they are 'practicing' their trunk control. The initial trunk muscles involved are the rectus abdominis and the erector trunci. This changes in time and is not the same as with adults. There is a good book on trunk control called Wiley: Postural Control : A Key Issue in Developmental Disorders I recommend about this subject.
If you have been looking at Pam's site you may have read her piece on hypotonia and what it is and what it isn't.
If the problem is genetic, you can look at her parents or siblings to see what the results long term are.
Hyperlaxity of ligaments is something you cannot just change.
When I read your remarks I think it would be advisable to get her back on the ground as much as possible,
let her creep and crawl and climb (if this is possible in her culture and country) and
only walk when she wants to.
I do not have much time to go into detail at this moment.... will get back to you soon