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Thread: Dealing with CP

  1. #1
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    Dealing with CP

    Cerebral Palsy In Infancy
    Hello there,

    I am a new member to the forum and seeking a place to learn more about CP. I have two young twin daughters (17 months old) who are affected by CP. One mildly and the other more severely. Though I am South African I live and work internationally as a humanitarian aid worker. My family is based in Croatia while I work away from home. Therefore, in trying to keeps ends meeting I spend minimal time with the family.

    I am looking for a reading material that can use to educate myself on how to provide better treatment for my children. Croatia is a non-English speaking country and I find it difficult to find reading material. Does anyone have any advice? Also, are there any courses that I can do to gain some sort of accredited certification? I'd like to eventually make a career change and focus on treatment of my children as part of my future life.

    I am also trying to help a group of professionals in the area to set up a treatment centre in Bosnia. Does anyone have any advice/experience in setting up a treatment centre?

    I hope there are members that can help.


  2. #2

    Re: Dealing with CP

    dear mark,
    I think it would be a goed idea to ask the same question in the paediatric forum of the www.wcpt.org
    I can help a little by suggesting you go to http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1993/WHO_RHB_93.1.pdf as a first step.
    Going to google and looking for international parent organisations for children with CP and ... also on the paediatric forum site mentioned above I have listed a number of paediatric neurological sites worth visiting.
    Hope this helps you on
    I cannot be of much help for you in croatia because I live and work in spain.

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    Re: Dealing with CP

    You can buy books at www.amazon.com I saw a few books of CP

  4. #4

    Re: Dealing with CP

    dear mark,
    A really up-to-date boek which includes all aspects of cerebral palsy treatment has just been published and it includes a CD-ROM with lots of images. Its called Physical Therapy of Cerebral Palsy, by Freeman Miller isbn-13 978-0-387-38303-3 and can be ordered on line at www.springer.com
    p.s. I would suggest you buy this and i am not involved in any way. just a paediatric physio with lots of books and this one is not bad at all.

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