Have you tried the Chailey levels of Ability. They demonstrate motor development and also come in a pictoral form for more info see link below, I don't have a link for the pictures.
I work with disabled children in a special educational school in Zaragoza, Spain. I have to assess motor performance and development of children aged 3 to 21 years old and I haven't found a suitable scale to assess them. Does anybody of you could advise me of some standardized o non-standardized scale? Patients seldom collaborate and they have severe cognitive and physical impairments. Thanks ..(copied from old lost posting) 8o
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Have you tried the Chailey levels of Ability. They demonstrate motor development and also come in a pictoral form for more info see link below, I don't have a link for the pictures.
hi try using the gross motor function scale
most of the physios develop scales based on standard ones
The Top-Dowm Motor Milestone Test is the best scale used for assessment in this regard. Have a look over that link for more information <a href="http://www.kern.org/mimages/move/assessprofile.pdf" target="_new">Top-Down Motor Milestone TestTM</a>
Hi. I am doing my masters in Paediatric. Can anyone give some refrences with respect to hand function or graphomotor skills or cognitive impirments in either learning disability or slow learners. Any related articles would also be appreciated.
I would really appreciate ur time and effort.
I have been finding it actually impossible to get any leads in this aspect. I've searched as much sites and books as possible.
Plz help