She is not much older than the usual age of around 11-14 months for walking. The braces and orthotics should fix her problem if she has malalignment of LL eg, 'club feet' etc.
Can she stand while holding onto couch etc?
My 16 month old daughter cannot weight bear. She gets around by shuffling on her bottom. This was picked up at her 10 month check but because of problems with our local physios she was only seen for the first time last week. From one appointment where the physio couldn't really get a good look at my daughter (babys fault not physio's) it has been decided that she needs special shoes fitted, leg braces and a standing frame. Whilst waiting for our physio appointment we saw a paediatrician who requested a hip xray which has come back fine. She now wants her to have anMRI scan. Im in a bit of shock I think, as I was initially told that I had nothing to worry about. Is it that unusual for a baby of her age to not weight bear? I have an older daughter who crawled first then walked at around 14 months.
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She is not much older than the usual age of around 11-14 months for walking. The braces and orthotics should fix her problem if she has malalignment of LL eg, 'club feet' etc.
Can she stand while holding onto couch etc?
Natalie--Your daughter may have a sensory processing challenge in that she has a sensory registration issue or a tactile defensive issue and cannot tolerate the sensation of weight bearing through her feet or through her joints. If this is the case, braces, shoes and orthopedics will not help. She may need a brushing protocol and in that case, an occupational or physical therapist trained in sensory processing disorders will be your best bet. The organization, Sensory Integration International, may have an international directory of trained therapists on their website where you might find a locally trained therapist. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted on how your daughter is doing. I hope this information was helpful.
Hi Natalie, I just wanted to say that there a so many reasons why a child might not walk by 16 months that advice here should be kept in perspective. People are likely to offer considerations that are best noted and perhaps presented to your local paediatrician and or paediatric physiotherapist. I would also suggest it would take either professional a few meetings with your child to form a clinical picture of what is or is not going on. For after all it might just be that your daughter is a later starter.
So please read what others offer here but don't panic or get to confused as many are likely to come up with numerous and different possibilities. We wish you and your daughter the best for the outcome and please do keep us all informed
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As a paediatric physio I am in total agreeance with PhysioBob in that there are so many variables as to why your daughter isn't weight bearing. There are so many questions that need to be asked as to what she is actually doing etc. You really need to see a paediatric physio who will be able to assess and advise / provide appropriate therapy. A good Paediatrican should be kept in the loop as well.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
i too really agree with physiobob and brooks ,there are a lot of variable causes fr your child to not weight bear in the appropriate chronological please consult an experienced paediatric physiotherapists...with few meetings she can guide you with the best...